Our desire is to make a lasting impact in Thetford - loving, serving and giving generously.

If you want more info on why we give, what we do with the money, or other ways to give then please do use the ‘contact’ form and ask away.

There are a few ways to give financially to support the work of Thetford Vineyard Church.


Most of our income comes through monthly standing orders. This helps us budget and is a simple way for you to maintain your regular giving. To set up a standing order, simply log in to your online banking or visit your local bank branch and use our bank details.

Sort Code: 30-90-89
Account Number: 66745160
Account Name: Thetford Vineyard Church
Reference: Surname


You can also give a one-off donation securely online.

Thetford Vineyard Church is a registered Charity (No: 1188794).


If you’re a UK taxpayer, please check if we can claim Gift Aid on your gift. Gift Aid allows us to claim an extra 25p from HMRC on top of every £1 donated to Thetford Vineyard Church and significantly increases our income each year.

If you are on My ChurchSuite then you can add a declaration through the ‘my giving’ section of your profile. Please let us know if you would prefer to fill out a form and we can send one to you either via email or post. If you have any questions about Gift Aid or are unsure if we can claim Gift Aid on your gift, please get in touch via email.